MadGaines Live! By Cassandra Gaines
Transportation professionals- this is a PERFECT podcast for shippers, brokers, and carriers. Transportation lawyer Cassandra Gaines, brings all her shipper, broker, and carrier friends together to talk about the major issues in the industry. Cassandra is building a community called Madtropolis where everyone in the transportation industry can unite, collaborate, and support each other. Find out more information about Cassandra at and follow her on LinkedIn and join her 33,000 other followers in building this community!
MadGaines Live! By Cassandra Gaines
RFPs Are Annoying- are they necessary?
Cassandra Gaines, Esq.
RFPs are annoying and time consuming for shippers, carriers and brokers. Are there any better options? What are the insider tricks to having a successful bidding process with RFPs.
o Michael Caney, EVP of Port City Logistics & Founder of GrowthNexus
o Ron Kane, Vice President of Operations & Supply Chain at Kellogg Garden Products
o Peter Coratola, President of Ease Logistics
o Dean Croke, Principal Analyst Principal Analyst at DAT iQ
· Sponsors:
o J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
o OTR Capital Factoring for Brokers and Carriers