MadGaines Live! By Cassandra Gaines
Transportation professionals- this is a PERFECT podcast for shippers, brokers, and carriers. Transportation lawyer Cassandra Gaines, brings all her shipper, broker, and carrier friends together to talk about the major issues in the industry. Cassandra is building a community called Madtropolis where everyone in the transportation industry can unite, collaborate, and support each other. Find out more information about Cassandra at and follow her on LinkedIn and join her 33,000 other followers in building this community!
MadGaines Live! By Cassandra Gaines
Carrier-Broker Rifts- will the fighting ever end?
Cassandra Gaines, Esq.
Brokers and Carriers are often navigating an ever-evolving relationship of tension, struggles and success. Industry veterans from the trucking and logistics sectors authentically discuss the toughest rifts between carriers and brokers.
Grace Maher, VP of Operations OTR Capital
Abby Hafenbredl, Director of Sales at Riverside Transport
Grace Sharkey, Logistics Executive and Flatbed Enthusiast
J.J. Keller & Associates
OTR Capital
Watch this episode on our new website: